The start of a new year naturally makes us reflect on the past twelve months. I’ve seen this done in plenty of ways. The current trend is making an In/Out list for the new year. But the method I like is one that both Anne Bogel (Modern Mrs. Darcy) and Emily P. Freeman use. You look back at the closing year and simply ask what worked and what didn’t.
So here’s my list for 2023…
What Worked in 2023
Listening to audiobooks.
Until this year I mostly listened to nonfiction audiobooks but in the second half of 2023, I listened to six novels. I jumped into fiction audiobooks when we took a trip to Hawaii in August and I needed a way to pass the time on the 6-hour flight. In the past several years I’ve had a hard time reading on planes so listening felt like the perfect solution and it was (except for a couple of times when I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of a later chapter!)
One of my favorite things about listening to audiobooks is it eliminates the decision of what to listen to when I’m walking my dog in the morning. Sometimes choosing a podcast takes so long, but an audiobook is ready and waiting to be continued each day. With a few of the novels, I found myself looking for opportunities to walk or do a mindless chore so I could keep listening and find out what happened in the story.
Two of my favorite fiction audiobooks this year were Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt and None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell.
Going to bed early.
Pretty self-explanatory but as a reformed night owl, going to bed on the earlier side continues to help me wake up in the morning without hating life. I’ve gotten to a point where I actually like getting up early rather than sleeping late (most of the time.) What does early mean to me? I try to be in bed and reading a book by 9pm and lights out around 9:30. Most days I get up between 5:30 and 6:15 and I am a person who needs a lot of sleep.
I made a very conscious effort this past year to not look at my phone once I’m in bed. Reading is usually a much better path to going to sleep at the time I need than getting sucked into the endless scroll. I’m far from perfect at resisting the siren song of Instagram late at night, especially if my husband is out of town, but awareness is half the battle.
Regular exercise.
Exercise used to feel like a chore, but I’ve learned that moving my body most days now feels essential. Not only is it important as I get older but it helps my mental health and stress level, especially my daily walks outside. Breathing the fresh air and walking our neighborhood with my dog helps to release tension and stress and generally starts my day well.
Strategic planning ahead (sometimes).
I started 2023 feeling completely exhausted. With family visiting for Christmas and kids home for winter break, I spent the tail end of an already busy time cooking and cleaning more than usual. After all the planning, shopping, wrapping, and of course celebrating, my cup was empty. My sister and I talked it through and agreed to make a better plan for this year.
Before everyone arrived this Christmas, we mapped out the nights we’d all be eating together and decided who would be cooking. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, my husband and I each cooked a meal that could easily be doubled and frozen, making the prep time super quick and easy on some of the nights we had family in town. It helped take away some of the work but mostly it relieved the feeling of being overwhelmed by hosting. Definitely something to take with me into 2024.
Reading a lot (especially fantasy).
I finished a total of 37 books this year, including nine audiobooks. Reading is always an escape for me, but this year fantasy novels were a special kind of break. There are two reasons for this. First, the problems that fantasy characters encounter are far from anything I’ll ever deal with in my own life. I’m not likely to have any issue with dragons anytime soon so it’s a departure from reality and all the things that cause stress.
Second, it takes more mental focus to envision these imaginary worlds and their characters. When I’m engrossed in a fantasy story, I’m not thinking about anything else. I’m completely engrossed in the made-up world and its made-up problems. That is a whole different level of distraction than reading a story about something that while fictionalized, could actually happen in my own life. With everything going on in the world right now, sometimes it’s wonderful to have a real escape, and for me this past year this was in the pages of A Court of Thorns and Roses, Fourth Wing, and many others.
Real Plants (and one good fake)
For a long time, I considered myself the opposite of a green thumb. I tried to keep plants alive and the best I could manage were a couple of small succulents. Then last year I asked my Instagram followers to recommend house plants that are easy to keep alive. I’m happy to say that since then, I’ve sustained a healthy pothos and two snake plants. Okay, technically one of the snake plants is struggling a little but I think it’s on the road to recovery. I love the pop of fresh greenery on a shelf or mantel and I’m planning to add more plants this year.
One time I opted for a fake version was on our front porch in the fall. I wanted some colorful mums for my fall porch decor but southern California is a tough place to keep mums alive, especially because it’s still so hot here well into October. I found these faux flowers and put them in baskets on our front steps. Not only did they look pretty and require zero attention, but more than one person asked how I was able to keep my mums looking so healthy so they’re getting the job done.

What Didn’t Work in 2023
Winging it on my weekly schedule.
While my days are generally very flexible, too little planning left me feeling like I wasted a lot of time. I don’t need a rigid schedule, but I need a better idea of what I need to do each day. Some days felt packed to the gills while others were wide open. A little time mapping out my week would help prevent tasks from piling up or slipping through the cracks.
Dropping my strength training routine.
I did a great job making sure I exercised most days, but I feel the best when I’m doing some sort of strength training as well. I went through another round of 9-week Control Freak (a Bodi program) in the summer and felt great. Then the general busyness of the end of the year picked up and I fell out of the habit. I plan to incorporate strength training into my routine again this month.
Not drinking enough water.
I used to have this water bottle that helped me keep track of how much water I was drinking throughout the day and then one of my kids lost it. I ordered a replacement to get back on track.
Not blogging.
Last year this time, I decided that I wanted to start writing again on my own personal blog. Then life took over, time passed, and before I knew it, the year was half over and I hadn’t made any progress. I’ve missed writing for myself (rather than on behalf of a client) and wanted to start 2024 by putting a first post out so here we are.
I have a lot of posts already written or planned out and I’m excited to share them!
Happy New Year!
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